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The Best and Latest Nutrition and Health News for Allergy Sufferers

Updated on December 18, 2012

WHAT ARE ALLERGIES? Written by Angela LaMor RMA NCPT and Frances Bleuet owner of Nutrition for Weight Loss

Allergies are caused by an inapropriate immune response. That means that your immune system mistakenly thinks that a harmless substance is a harmful substance and fights to get it out of the body. The symptoms of allergies are caused by the body reaction to a substance not by the substance itself.


Stress, poor digestion, malnutrition-all three of these problems can be corrected with proper nutrition

1. Stress breaks down body protein producing histamine which increases allergy symptoms. It also destroys vitamin C and pantothenic acid (B5) both needed during stress and it destroys other B vitamins needed for proper digestion.

2. Poor digestion-When food is not properly broken down by the digestive system, substances enter the body in an unnatural form, increasing the chances of the immune system overreacting to them. The B complex vitamins improve digestion and lack of any of the B vitamins disturbs the proper functioning of the digestive system. B vitamins are responsible for the proper production of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) needed to properly break down foods.

3. Lack of Proper Nutrients in the Diet-Vitamins help the body to break down histamines which are produced during allergies and decrease permeability of body tissues to harmful invaders. All nutrients are needed in greater quantities in those suffering from allergies. Hereditary factors may actually be a higher hereditary requirement for certain nutrients, since nutrient requirements may run in families and the development of allergies in subsequent generations may actually be caused by a greater need for the same nutrients.


Vitamin A strengthens mucous membranes needed to keep allergens out. It also strengthens the immune system lessening the chance of it overreacting to harmless substances. Vitamin A is an antioxidant notably low in those with allergies.

B complex vitamins work together to improve immune function, help the body to handle stress and are needed for proper digestion including the production of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid). When foods are properly broken down the chance of them provoking an allergic reaction is decreased. Pantothenic acid (B5) has been linked to all stress diseases including allergies (also notably low in those with allergies). Studies have shown that a lack of pantothenic acid can not only increase the chance of developing alergies, but also increases the chance of having a serious allergic reaction. Pantothenic acid (B5) is needed to help the body to deal with stress. Pantothenic acid as it is more commonly called and vitamin B6 help to break down histamine reducing reactions in the body.

Vitamins B6, C and E are natural diuretics helping the body to excrete fluids that sometimes build up from an allergic reaction.

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, diuretic, detoxifier, antioxidant and immune booster, all helpful during allergies. Vitamin C not only lessens the chance of having an allergic reaction but also lessens the chance of having a serious allergic reaction and in the event of a reaction it reduces symptoms.

Vitamin E is a natural diuretic, helping the body to eliminate excess fluids caused by allergies and other immune responses. It is an antioxidant which are known to be low in those with allergies. It helps to strengthen membrane walls reducing permeability by allergens, thereby lessening the occurence of allergies.

Magnesium helps the body handle stress, lessens allergy symptoms and is known to be low in those with allergies

Selenium is known to be low in asthmatics, and helps the body to make antioxidants which are known to be low in those with allergies

Zinc improves the function of the immune system

Flavonoids are found under the peel of citrus fruits and in buckwheat. Bioflavonoids as they are more commonly called work with vitamin C to detoxify, improve immune function and strengthen capillary walls making them less permeable.

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant found in liver and known to be low in those with allergies. It improves the functions of other antioxidants

Probiotics (L.acidophilus, L.Bifidus, L.Bulgarus) reduce bad bacteria that increase the formation of histamines and aid in the digestive process

Essential fatty acids improve immune system function and decrease the incidence of inflammation often caused by allergies


There is good news however for those with allergies. New studies show that those with allergies have significantly lower lifetime incidences of developing cancer. This is probably due to the immune system being stimulated, keeping it alert to cellular changes before they proliferate into tumors.


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